Name: Arielle Brown
Title: Owner of Bea’s Bayou Probiotic Skincare
Social Handle: @beasbayouskincare
What influence has reading had on your life?
I read everyday and I will forever have my nose stuck in a book! Reading makes me imagine and there is no joie de vivre without imagination!
What are your favorite books? What 1-3 books changed your life?
“Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue” by Neale Donald Walsch (all of them in the collection) - (life-changer!)
“Law of Attraction” by Michael Losier
“What Every Angel Investor Wants You to Know”
Who in your life has had the biggest impact on your love of reading?
My mother, hands down. She has a library at home and she always brought me to the library regularly. I love books because of her!
Do you collect books or curate an online personal library?
Do you belong to a book club or share book suggestions with family, friends and colleagues?
I love sharing books with family, friends, and fellow entrepreneurs.
How have your reading tastes and habits changed over time? Have you grown into or out of different genres?
I used to love fantasy and now, I’m very much into self-improvement books.
Where is your favorite place to read? (On your front porch? On Vacation? In bed?)
I like to read in bed or on the porch.
Do you prefer physical or digital books? Does this change when reading other types of written media (magazines, newspapers, articles, etc.)?
I prefer physical books and magazines, but my Audible collection is robust just the same.
Describe your perfect book-related day.
Ice cream (plant-based), books, on my porch or bed, uninterrupted all day!
Great work!
I am a daily reader. I remember reading what someone had written once..."READERS ARE ACHEIVERS."
Al Spikes